This year for Father's Day, I asked Jason how he wanted to spend it. Last year was spent traveling home from a reunion for his fraternity, so this year I felt he should decide what to do. His choice was camping. I really expected him to say that he wanted to golf, but he golfs every weekend, so how would that be special? :)
We headed to Purtis Creek State Park, which is about 2 hrs away. It is a small park that Jason has been wanting to try out for awhile. We spent the weekend fishing, relaxing outside, and watching S & J catch bugs in their new bug catcher-thingy. Sorry, can't think of a better name.
Sorry, these pictures are out of order...Blogger is not my friend today.
My 3 favorite people...getting ready to fish.

S showing the bug she caught. Hard to see it.

Am I the only one with a 4 year old that has to be silly in every picture?

Shocked there is a picture of me, and I look horrible! But hey, we are camping. Makeup and hair products are not top priority. But after looking at this picture, I think I need to change my priorities! Yikes, can you say "frizzy hair"?

Here is Sammi pouting. She had a major freak-out moment with a little bug that was on her. Jason tried to get it off her and she freaked out even more. We asked her to sit down to calm down and contain herself. Isn't nature fun?
Happy Father's Day, Jason! You teach me so much from your patience and fun disposition. There is a reason I call you "Fun Daddy" and I love you for it.