Friday, May 30, 2008
Need A Good Laugh?
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
What A Weekend!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Oh we go!

Sunday, May 18, 2008
Crazy Mother's Day
Friday, May 9, 2008
My Daughter, the Graduate

Scruffy daddy (that's just 1 day from not shaving!) and his favorite girl.

After the ceremony they had cake and punch in another room and made it very clear that they needed to remove their cap and gown. I wonder why?? Here is Samantha with one of her best friends, Olivia R. There are two Olivia's and we are always asking her "which Olivia?" when she talks about them.

And if you are wondering, yes, I did cry. Just a little in the beginning. I wasn't planning on it and honestly didn't think I would feel sad. But as I sat there reading the program and thinking about all that she has learned in preschool, it hit me! She is slowly breaking away from "my little girl" mold. I keep telling her that she will always be my little girl when she corrects me and says "I am NOT a little girl! I am a big girl!" Even when she is 30 or 40, I will call her my little girl. Right? Geez, how will I be when she graduates high school and college? I am sure not as bad as I will be when she becomes an astronaut or a professional soccer player. :)
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Amy & Jacob's Wedding
This blog is a little late, but I couldn't not write about this and show the amazing pictures my sister Meredith and her husband Greg took. One of my most closest, dearest friends Amy got married a few weeks ago. She met the perfect match for her....Jacob! He is an amazing person that loves her unconditionally, as all true love should, and loves her two beautiful kids as though they are his own. Watching their relationship blossom and see the four of them together really brought tears to my eyes. Tears of joy that my friend found someone that loved the three of them. I prayed for this and God answered!
They were married outside at the Ft. Worth Botanical Gardens and it was beautiful! The colors of the grass, flowers, plants were so vibrant. And Amy was a beautiful bride. Thankfully I got there early because I was asked to drive back to her house to pick up the flowers they forgot. I got back just in the nick of time for the wedding to start! I was SO glad there were no cops to and from because I broke many traffic laws! Sorry, but I had the bouquet! :)
Enough of my rambling...on with the pictures!
Ella & Jackson, Amy's two gorgeous kids. Aren't they? Jackson was Sammi's first "boyfriend". As babies, they crawled on the floor together and we even caught Jackson patting her thick, diapered bottom. He started young. :)
The wedding party...I love the shade of green they had!
Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Bryant
So cute...
Me & Amy. I just couldn't stop hugging her, I was just so happy for her!

Amy, I love you and couldn't be happier that Jacob is in your life. I pray that God continues to bless the four of you!